Monday, August 16, 2010

FIDA Grand Final Day Sunday 22nd August

FIDA Grand Final Day 22nd August 2010 


      Div 1:        

Kananook 1 :  6  5  41 Def  North Ballarat 1:   6    3   39                       

Div 2A:

Moonee Valley 1:  11  4   70    Def      Kananook 2:  5  5  35  
           Div 2 B:      
Mambourin 1:  6  13   49   Def    Parkside  3   5   23

   Div 3A:  
Mazenod 2:   8  8  56   Def   Kananook 3:    4  2  26
          Div 3 B:   
Moonee Valley 29  7    61  Def    Cranbourne   5   7   37              



Congratulations to all competing teams and officials who should be proud of the way their   teams and players conducted themselves on the day. All games were played in a very competitive and sporting manner and were great examples of FIDA football.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Results Round 8 Played 8th August 2010

Division 1:

Kananook 1: 21  19  145  Def   Mazenod 1:  0  0  00
North Ballarat 1: 13  17  95  Def   Chadstone 1:  2  3  15
Bulleen Templestowe 1:  (Bye)

Division 2 A:

Broadmeadows 1:  11  12  78   Def  Ringwood1: 1  4  10
Moonee Vallay 1 :  Def  North Ballarat 2: (Forfeit)
Kananook 2: (Bye)

Division 2 B:

Bulleen 2: (Bye)
Parkside : (Bye)
Mambourin 1: Forfeit
Ovens and Murray Jets: Forfeit
Nth Footscray: Forfeit

Division 3 A:

Kananook 3: 13  10  88 Def  Mazenod 2: 2  2  14
Broadmeadows 2:  9  11  65   Def  Rupertswood: 2  6  19
Chadstone 2: (Bye)

Division 3 B:

Gippsland: 14  15  99  Def  Ringwood 2: 3  1  19
Cranboune   Def  Mambourin 2:  Forfeit
Moonee Valley 2: (Bye)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Round 7 1st August 2010

Round 7  1st  August 2010

Results Round 7   1st  August

Division 1: 
Bulleen-Temp 1: 10  9  69  def   Mazenod 1:  2  5  17 
Kananook 1  13.6.84   def   Chadstone 1   2.7.19
Nth Ballarat ( BYE )

Division 2A:
Nth Ballarat 2:  10  4  64    Defeated      Ringwood 1:  2  2  14     
Moonee Valley 1  9.4.58    def    Kananook2  7.3.45
Broadmeadows 1: (BYE)

Division 2B:
Parkside  def  Nth Footscray    (Forfeit)
Bulleen-Temp 2   Defeated   Mambourin 1:  (Forfeit)
Ovens and Murray Jets   (BYE)

Division 3 A :
Chadstone 2   def    Kananook 3     (Forfeit)
Broadmeadows 2: 7  11  53  def  Mazenod 2: 4  4  28 
Rupertswood (BYE)

Division 3 B:
Ringwood 2: 11  10  76   def  Mambourin 2:  1  3  9
Cranbourne  7  5  47  def  Moonee Valley 2:   4 9  33       
Gippsland (BYE)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Round 6 18th July 2010

Division 1:

Nth Ballarat 1: 16  8  194  Defeated  Mazenod 1:  1  0  6
Chadstone 1: 8  9  57   Defeated  Bulleen Templestowe 1:  8  4  52
Kananook 1: Bye


Moonee Valley 1: 12  13  85  Defeated  Ringwood Spiders1: 4  5  29
Kananook2: 10  7  67  defeated  Broadmeadows 1: 5  3  33
Nth Ballarat2: Bye

Division 2B:

Mambourin 1: 20  14  134  defeated  Ovens and Murray Jets  3  5  23
Bulleen Templestowe 2:  3  12  30  Defeated  Parkside  4  4  28
Nth Footscray: Bye

Division 3A:

Kananook 3: 15  18  108  Defeated Broadmeadows 2:  1  1  7
Chadstone 2: 8  7  55  Defeated  Ruperstwood  3  1  19
Mazenod 2: Bye

Division 3 B:

Mambourin 2:  Defeated Gippsland   ( Forfeit)
Moonee Valley2: 10  11  71  defeated  Cranbourne 4  4  28
Ringwood Spiders 2 : Bye

Results Round 5 11th July

Division 1 :

Chadstone 1: 15 14 104  Defeated  Mazenod 1: 2  1  13
Kananook 1:  14  12  96  defeated  Bulleen Templestowe1: 1  1  7
Nth Ballarat :  Bye

Division 2a :

Braodmeadows 1:  10  5  65   Defeated  Nth Ballarat 2:  4  2  26
Kananook 2:  9  10   64   Defeated  Ringwood Spiders 1: 5  10  40
Moonee Vallay Magpies1: Bye

Division 2B:

Bulleen Templestowe 2: Defeated Nth Footscray ( Forfeit)
Parkside  6  7  43   Defeated  Ovens And Murray Jets  5  5  35
Mambourin 1: Bye

Division 3A:

Moonee Valley 2:  6  12  48   Defeated  Gippsland  2  6  18
Cranbourne Defeated Ringwood Spiders 2:  Forfeit
Mambourin 2: (Bye)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Results Round 3 Played 20th June 2010

Division 1:
Kananook 1:  21  14  140   defeated  Mazenod 1: 0  1  1
Nth Ballarat Knights 1: 19  20  134   defeated  Chadstone 1:  2  1  13
Bulleen Templestow (Bye)

Divison 2 a)
Broadmeadows 1: 14  13    97  defeated Ringwood 1:  3  1  19
Moonee Valley 1:  18  7  115   defeated  Nth Ballarat Knights 2:  0  5  5
Kananook 2 ( Bye)

Division 2 b)
Mambourin 1: 14  15   99   defeated   Parkside  1  1  7
Ovens and Murray Jets   Vs  Nth Footscray   ( No Result )
Bulleen 2 ( Bye)

Divison 3 a)
Broadmeadows 2:  5  8  38   defeated  Rupertswood  0  1   1
Mazenod 2: 5  3   33   defeated   Kananook 3:  4  2  26
Chadstone 2: (Bye)

Division 3 b)
Gippsland  6  10   46   defeated  Cranbourne 4  8  32  
Mambourin 2:  8  16   64   defeated  Ringwood 2:   7  3     45
Moonee Valley 2: (Bye)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Round 2 results: June 6

Division 1: 
Kananook 1: (24. 19  163)  defeated   Chadstone 1 : (2  2  14)
Nth Ballarat Knights 1:  (15  6  96)  defeated  Bulleen-Templestowe 1: (2  1  13)
Mazenod 1:  Bye

Division 2A:
Ringwood 1  defeated  Nth Ballarat 2  (Forfeit)
Moonee Valley Magpies  (12  12  84)  defeated  Kananook 2:  (4  2  26)
Broadmeadows 1:  Bye

Division 2B:
Mambourin 1: (16  9  105) defeated  Bulleen Templestowe 2: (1  2  8)
Parkside  defeated  Nth Footscray  ( Forfeit)
Ovens and Murray : Bye

Division 3A:
Kananook 3: (15  15  105) defeated  Chadstone 2:  ( 0  1  1)
Mazenod 2: (9  9  63)  defeated Broadmeadows 2: (4  11  35)
Rupertswood :  Bye

Division 3B:
Moonee Valley 2:  (8  14  62)  defeated  Cranbourne  (4  12  36)
Ringwood 2: defeated  Mambourin 2  (Forfeit)
Gippsland : Bye

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Round 1 results: May 23, 2010

Division 1:
Bulleen-Temp 1 (9.7.61) defeated Chadstone 1 (5.10.40)
Mazenod 1 defeated North Ballarat (forfeit)
Kananook 1: Bye

Division 2A:
Kananook 2 (8.10.58) defeated Broadmeadows 1 (4.5.29)
Moonee Valley 1 (20.16.136) defeated Ringwood 1 (1.2.8)
North Ballarat 2 (Bye)

Division 2B:
Mambourin 1 defeated O&M Jets (forfeit)
Parkside (9.7.61) defeated Bulleen-Temp 2 (5.8.38)
North Footscray (Bye)

Division 3A:
Kananook 3 (4.6.30) defeated Broadmeadows 2 (4.5.29)
Mazenod 2 (18.15.123) defeated Rupertswood (5.2.32)
Chadstone 2 (Bye)

Division 3B:
Moonee Valley 2 (9.15.69) defeated Ringwood 2 (4.7.31)
Mambourin 2 (8.7.55) defeated Gippsland (7.7.49)
Cranbourne (Bye)

Trivia Night

Saturday, May 22, 2010

State Game v Sth Australia

Unfortunately this years state game with Sth Australia has been cancelled as Sth Australia have just informed us that they will not be able to come to Victoria this year. We have given the Sth Australians a number of options and dates for the game but none have been accepted.
The FIDA executive have discussed this matter at great length and will contact the Sth Australian represenatives to express our dissapointemnt in their decision.
We hope that we can continue to play the Sth Australians in future years and will keep all clubs informed of our progress.